Pictures by:
Aningaaq R Carlsen, Elia Locardi, Filip Gielda, Petter Cohen, Xtravel, Sorelle Amore, Rebecca Gustafsson, Per Arnesen, Mads Pihl, Aningaaq R Carlsen, Chiara Zonca, Angu Motzfeldt, Peter Lindstrom
Se de mange gode minder og del dine egne. Brug hashtaggene #nuuk, #nuuknu, #herefordnuuk, #skylinebarnuuk, #cafeXnuuk, #Sarfalik og #Sarfalikrestaurant
siger tillykke til nyt Naalakkersuisut 🌷
🇩🇰Grønland har fået ny regering/Naalakkersuisut med en koalition, der i den grad favner bredt.
Ved Arctic Law ønsker vi tillykke og minder blot om, at der er tre ting, der er helt afgørende for udviklingen af et land, og det er
🔸retssikkerhed og
Vi håber, vores nye Naalakkersuisut fortsat holder sig det for øje, og så henstiller vi som altid til at kigge på retssikkerheden i vores juridiske system.
Er der lige retssikkerhed for alle i Kongeriget? Er der lige retssikkerhed for alle i Grønland?
Får ofre for grove forbrydelser den samme hjælp i Grønland, som de får i Danmark?
I vores optik er svaret på spørgsmålene desværre nej – men heldigvis er det forhold, der kan gøres noget ved. Det kræver blot politisk vilje og mod.
Husk samfund måles på hvordan vi behandler vores mest udsatte.
#justice #samfund #retssikkerhed #legal #law #lawyers #inspiration #dedication #local #politik #regering #politics #greenland #arctic #nuuk
This week, I was sent to Greenland to look at how the current threats from Donald Trump’s America to Greenland’s political future is affecting daily life for residents. A visit this week to Greenland by a US delegation – including Vice President JD Vance, his wife and other officials – has provoked angry reactions from politicians here and in Denmark, which governs the foreign and defense policies of the semiautonomous island. The American delegation’s visit follows vows by US President Donald Trump to gain control of Greenland “one way or the other,” citing its strategic importance to the US. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)
#greenland #nuuk #politics #trump #donaldtrump #diplomacy #arctic #photojournalism #gettyimages #nikon #nikonz8 #leonneal
Anti-Trump protests in Greenland : "Your hand cannot reach Greenland".
Anti-Trump protesterer i Grønland: "Din hånd kan ikke nå Grønland".
Протести проти Трампа в Гренландії: «Ваша рука не дотягнеться до Гренландії».
#greenland #grønland #nuuk #stoptrumpism #stoptrump #trumphatesamerica #trumpisamoron #freegreenland #trump #trumpiskrasnov #trumpmoron #trumpisaclown🤡 #trumpscabinetofhorrors #trumphateseveryone #trumpisarussianasset #trumpisasociopath #trumpisdangerous #dänemark #danemark #danmark #danmark🇩🇰 #greenlandisnotforsale #handsoffgreenland
E novos 30 dias se passaram, muito aprendizado e novos desafios.
No dia a dia aqui, você percebe algumas curiosidades, como por exemplo, a falta de garagem para os carros 🚙!
Eles ficam estacionados nas ruas, em frente aos prédios/casas. Não há furtou/roubo de veículos e o metro quadrado construído é muito caro, por isso é bem rara a existência de garagem. 😮
Outra coisa interessante é não ter uma farmácia em cada esquina, como estamos acostumados no Brasil 🇧🇷. Na verdade, não tem farmácia.
Você compra medicamentos básicos no supermercado e para os demais, somente mediante prescrição médica.
Há um hospital público e se você precisar de remédios, sai da consulta com eles. 🏥
Acompanhe de perto este desafio, mande suas curiosidades em relação à Groenlândia! 🇬🇱
Chalenge yourself every day and enjoy it!
And another 30 days have passed, with lots of learning and new challenges. In your daily life here, you notice some interesting things, such as the lack of garages for cars 🚙! They are parked on the streets, in front of buildings/houses. There are no vehicle thefts/robberies and the square meter of construction is very expensive, so garages are very rare. 😮 Another interesting thing is that there is no pharmacy on every corner, as we are used to in Brazil 🇧🇷. In fact, there are no pharmacies. You can buy basic medicines at the supermarket and for the rest, you only need a doctor`s prescription. There is a public hospital and if you need medicine, you leave the appointment with them. 🏥 Follow this challenge closely, send us your interesting facts about Greenland!!! 🇬🇱 Challenge yourself every day and enjoy it!
#livetoride #livetoride #groenlandia #greenland #nuuk #nothernlights #article #snow
Ice at Sunday March 330th, 2025
#greenland #nuuk #nuussuaq #ice #winter #snow #sea #mountain #sermitsiaq #sermitsiaqmountain
NUUK, GREENLAND – MARCH 28: Members of the group throw punches at the Fight Club Nanoq boxing class, the only one of its kind in the country, on March 28, 2025 in Nuuk, Greenland. Boxing trainer Mahmoud Minaei is one of three people who founded the group and runs the free classes three times a week, teaching young people how to box for sporting achievement, physical fitness and improved mental health. While some of his students are in training for upcoming fights, often against boxers from countries such as Denmark and Sweden, others benefit from the sense of structure and purpose that the classes provide. Fight Club Nanoq is one of a number of initiatives, funded by the government and local businesses, to provide young people with structure to their lives and improve their mental and physical health, in a place with a high prevalence of loneliness, drug and alcohol addiction. Greenland has the highest suicide rate in the world, with approximately 80 suicides per 100,000 inhabitants, compared to the global average of 9, with young men aged 20 to 24 being particularly vulnerable. These concerns about mental health and suicide prevention are motivating factors for the coaches at Fight Club Nanoq. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)
#boxing #boxer #boxingtraining #sport #nuuk #greenland #fightclubnanoq #support #community #mentalhealth #health #mono #photojournalism #reportage #gettyimages #nikon #nikonz8 #leonneal
Greenland is not for sale!
Grønland er ikke til salg!
Гренландія не продається!
#greenland #grønland #nuuk #stoptrumpism #stoptrump #trumphatesamerica #trumpisamoron #freegreenland #trump #trumpiskrasnov #trumpmoron #trumpisaclown🤡 #trumpscabinetofhorrors #trumphateseveryone #trumpisarussianasset #trumpisasociopath #trumpisdangerous #dänemark #danemark #danmark #danmark🇩🇰
المقاتلات الأمريكية تهبط في مطار نوك الدولي في غرينلاند
حطّت مقاتلات أمريكية في مطار نوك الدولي (#Nuuk) في غرينلاند
برفقة مايك والتز، مستشار الأمن القومي وأوشا فانس، السيدة الثانية
ووزير الطاقة كريس رايت
الذين وصلوا إلى الجزيرة لتقديم عرض لا يمكن رفضه.
Greenland`s new Prime Minister Jens-Frederik Nielsen has said that the US will not get Greenland:
"President Trump says the US is `getting Greenland`. Let me be clear: The US is not getting it. We do not belong to anyone else. We determine our own future.
We must not react with fear. We must react with calm, dignity and unity.
And it is through these values that we must clearly, distinctly and calmly show the US President that Greenland is ours."
Новий прем`єр-міністр Гренландії Єнс-Фредерік Нільсен заявив, що США не отримають Гренландію:
«Президент Трамп каже, що США «отримують Гренландію». Дозвольте мені сказати чітко: США не отримують її. Ми не належимо нікому іншому. Ми самі визначаємо своє майбутнє.
Ми не повинні реагувати страхом. Треба реагувати спокійно, гідно та єдно.
І саме через ці цінності ми повинні чітко, виразно і спокійно показати президенту США, що Гренландія наша».
#greenland #grønland #nuuk #stoptrumpism #stoptrump #trumphatesamerica #trumpisamoron #freegreenland #trump #trumpiskrasnov #trumpmoron #trumpisaclown🤡 #trumpscabinetofhorrors #trumphateseveryone #trumpisarussianasset #trumpisasociopath #trumpisdangerous #dänemark #danemark #danmark #danmark🇩🇰 #jensnilsen
It’s been a while since our last #artchallenge for #urbansketching online, but now it’s time to ”meet” again. If you haven’t tried it before I definitely hope that you’ll give it a go and join our little community 👍 And if you have participated before, you’re more than welcome back 😊
As always it’s just to sketch, paint or craft in any way and share on your instagram account. You’ll find the location via the link in bio. Read more about it in the pinned post 🎨☺️
There has been a lot of focus on Greenland lately. Let’s ”visit” this beautiful country and show our love and support for its inhabitants by creating images from an awesome location in Nuuk 🇬🇱
P.S. I have changed the interval for these challenges so they will now come about once a month.
Happy sketching 🎨
#gsvurbansketch #artchallenges #artchallenge2025 #nuuk #greenland #onlineurbansketching #urbansketching
There are Sundays, and then there are SUN-DAYS. 🌞✨️☁️
#cafeXnuuk #cafex #HHEX
#denmark #greenland #nuuk
#hhehotel #hheexpress
#barista #coffee #cafe #caféX
#cafeingreenland #cafeinnuuk
Sunny, frigid spring day in Greenland’s capital city. The ice chunks floating past are blue as the sky. Proud people. Loads of potential. They don’t want all this attention. #Greenland #Nuuk
#march #march2025 #nuuk #sunset #northenlight #moon #sun #ice #sermitsiaq #winter #wonderland #bari #berner #snow #cremebruleé
#TimeWillTell ꩜*
#Nuuk #Paris #London #Warsaw #Madrid #Oslo #WashingtonDC #Nairobi #Tokyo #Stockholm #Amsterdam #Bangkok #NewDelhi #Berlin #Islamabad #Tehran #Yerevan #Baku #Beijing #Taipei #Mogadishu #Damascus #Kinshasa #Khartoum 🕯️💜 #Kyiv #Moscow #Jerusalem #Gaza #Beirut
In Nuuk, graves are visited only in summer – in winter, the cemetery is taken over by snow and frost. Only the spring sun gradually reveals the tombstones from beneath massive drifts. You could say that in Greenland, even memories wait for the thaw. #nuuk #greenland
We love taking care of Hotel Aurora Nuuk… Especially Anita 🤭💞
#HotelAuroraNuuk #Greenland #Nuuk #VisitGreenland #visitgreenland
From day one to year one of elevating the everyday at Nuuk 🎉 Stay tuned, the surprises are just getting started! 🥳
#Nuuk #NuukTurns1 #NuukBirthday #NuukBirthdayBlowout #OneYearAnniversary #StayTuned #TurningOne
𝐀 𝐋𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐞
In Ilulissat, nothing is still. This is Greenland’s iceberg factory, producing some of the world’s most spectacular frozen sculptures—so unique, it’s a 𝐔𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐂𝐎 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐭𝐞. Icebergs crack, drift, and reshape the horizon daily, creating a scene that you will never see twice.
The best way to capture it? By water, by land, and by slowing down. With Nomad Greenland, hike trails that rewrite themselves daily, and unwind at fjord-side co-working pop-ups.
#NomadGreenland #CampKiattua #CampSaqqaq
Min fotogene familie til Naasu’s barnedåb. Tillykke gerda.fleischer og pauly_th #naasu #barnedåb #annaassisittaoqaluffia #nuuk #kalaallitnunaat #grønland #forår #hergårdetgodt #vilaldrighjemigen
I’m finishing my Greenland series with some Northern Lights photos I took there last year. You can never see too many of those, can you?
And at the same time I’m welcoming the summertime.
#guidetogreenland #greenland #grönland #arctic #govisitgreenland #VisitGreenland #arcticadventure #earth_shotz #ilovegreenland #arcticadventure #greenlandphoto #groenland #your_nordic #nuuk
Nuuk City & Fjord tour // Février 2025
#nuuk #nuukgreenland #nuukwatertaxi #visitnuuk #visitgreenland #greenland #iceberg #airgreenland #nuuktourism
A very early morning in Nuuk. Probably the only upside of the time change – you wake up at an ungodly hour, but at least you know it’s not your fault. The irony of fate: in the land of eternal ice, we’re looking for signs of… daylight saving time. Oh well, summer is a state of mind! 😄 #nuuk #greenland #sky #summertime
President Trump:
"There`s a good possibility it [annexation of Greenland] could be done without military force. I don`t take anything off the table."
📹: NBC News
Præsident Trump:
"Der er en god mulighed for, at [annekteringen af Grønland] kan ske uden militær magt. Jeg tager ikke noget fra bordet."
📹: NBC News
Президент Трамп:
«Є велика ймовірність, що [анексію Гренландії] можна буде здійснити без військової сили. Я нічого не знімаю зі столу».
📹: NBC News
#greenland #grønland #nuuk #stoptrumpism #stoptrump #trumphatesamerica #trumpisamoron #freegreenland #trump #trumpiskrasnov #trumpmoron #trumpisaclown🤡 #trumpscabinetofhorrors #trumphateseveryone #trumpisarussianasset #trumpisasociopath #trumpisdangerous #dänemark #danemark #danmark #danmark🇩🇰 #rasmussen
Greenland just "loves" Vance and americans right now (irony may occur).
#trump #usa #america #boycot #chriswright #grønland #pituffik #k9 #health #greenlanders #safetyfirst #appel #grønlændere #mikelee #redfriday #deployed #nuuk #danish #denmark #mikewaltz #vance #clown #idiot #jdvance
Fotos vises på baggrund af hashtags fra offentlige platforme og sociale medier. Alle rettigheder tilhører publicisten og / eller den platform, der har offentliggjort og distribueret fotoet. Vi reposter ikke opslag, men viser alene feed fra posts med følgende hashtags:#nuuk, #nuuknu, #herefordnuuk, #skylinebarnuuk, #cafeXnuuk, #Sarfalik og #Sarfalikrestaurant
Vi har intet ansvar for fotos og indhold baseret på de offentliggjorte hashtags. Enhver brug af fotos og post skal afklares direkte med rettighedshaver.
Pictures by:
Aningaaq R Carlsen, Elia Locardi, Filip Gielda, Petter Cohen, Xtravel, Sorelle Amore, Rebecca Gustafsson, Per Arnesen, Mads Pihl, Aningaaq R Carlsen, Chiara Zonca, Angu Motzfeldt, Peter Lindstrom
BEMÆRK: Man kan ikke anvende Browseren "Internet Explorer" til bestilling af værelser
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